Four college football players lose their scholarships and become strippers over the summer to make money to go back to school in the fall.

DC (Terrence Green), Jay, Dan and Bmore lose their football scholarships and have to come up with the money for school over the summer break. Just their luck the guys are found by female pimp Ms. Cash that gives the guys a job stripping at her club. The guys soon realize they’re in over their heads. Finding themselves in compromising possition the guys come together to do what it takes to make the money to go back to school and play football in the fall.

Meet The Cast
Terrence Green
as DC
Brannon Watson
as Jay
James Hal Hardy
as Drew
Brashaad Mayweather
as Bmore

The Soundtrack

About Me


Summer With The Guys

Four college football players lose their scholarships and become strippers over the summer to make money to go back to school in the fall.

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Summer With The Guys

Feature Film

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